Medicare Advantage

Expand Original Medicare with extra benefits.

Enroll In A Plan

Why pay for a plan without the benefits you need? Medicare Advantage plans cover all the same health services as Original Medicare, but with additional benefits..

Get More Coverage, More Benefits, and More Care...

In addition to Original Medicare benefits, Medicare Advantage plans may include coverage for:

Vision care

Dental care

Health and wellness programs

Gym memberships

Medicare Advantage (Part C)

Medicare Advantage plans provide Medicare coverage through private health insurance companies approved to participate in the Medicare program. These plans can be HMOs, PPOs, Regional PPOs or Private Fee-for-Service plans.

These plans also tend to have lower cost sharing overall and a maximum that you would have to pay for out-of-pocket costs each calendar year–a feature not available through Original Medicare.



All Medicare Advantage plans require that you continue to pay your Part B insurance premium. You might also have to pay a separate monthly insurance premium for your Medicare Advantage plan.


Some plans have deductibles.


A copayment may apply to specific services, such as doctor office visits.


Cost sharing amounts may apply to specific services.

Out-of-Pocket Expenses

All Medicare Advantage plans have an annual limit on your out-of-pocket expenses, which is a feature not available through Original Medicare.

How to Enroll

You must first enroll in Medicare Part A and Part B before joining a Medicare Advantage plan. Contact us for help choosing a Medicare Advantage plan and getting enrolled.

Medicare Advantage plans have defined geographic service areas and most have networks of physicians and hospitals where you can receive care. Ask your physicians if they participate in your health insurance plan’s Medicare Advantage network.